Factor Four Magazine is a monthly publication that publishes flash fiction in the genres of science fiction, fantasy, supernatural, and superhero. In its first run it was in publication from April 2018 to July 2019. It had six quarterly issues in the first run. In January 2022 it relaunched with the new monthly format.
Flash Fiction is a unique form of story telling compared to the rest of short fiction it often gets lumped in with. Our goal is to give it the shine it deserves. We offer our stories free to read on our website.
Please check it out: https://factorfourmag.com/
Past Projects

Plasma Frequency was a bi-monthly publication or fiction of a variety of lengths in the speculative fiction genres. It was my jump into the publishing world back in 2012. The original masthead was ugly, but the issue was amazing. We started out with a variety of fiction and book reviews. We later dropped the book reviews and focused on the fiction.
We offered a semi-pro rate of one cent per word. Not a lot, but it was all we could afford. The magazine still had a steady following and a good flow of fiction coming in. We were in publication until 2016.
The web domain was lost and we can no longer share the great work we did there.