An Exciting Three Part Space Opera

Each cover will link to a page dedicated to that particular novel. Or you can scroll down meet the characters and read a summary of the entire series.

Meet the Characters

Christina Serenity

Christina Serenity graduated with top marks in officer training school. She was immediately sent to combat flight school where her leadership noticed her ability to pilot was like nothing anyone had seen before. One of her flight instructors remarked, “I didn’t even know those fighters could do that. I’m pretty sure the fighter stayed together just to avoid dealing with her wrath.”

After flight school she was not satisfied and rent through a rigorous set of test to rise through the ranks until she reached Captain at the youngest age in history. Originally they attempted to assign her to a desk job in Seattle. She fought for the next command and was eventually assigned to the E.S.S. Australia, becoming the youngest person to ever command an Earth vessel.

Michael Carlson

Michael Carlson had a lot of potential to advance through the ranks, but instead stopped at the rank of Corporal when he was assigned to Protective Services for Captain Serenity. Despite several offers to move to other assignments, Carlson remains on the E.S.S. Australia where is still excels despite the limited opportunities stay presents him.

Most of Carlson’s file is redacted to all but the highest clearances since his involvement is saving Captain Serenity’s live from an attack from an an assassin. The assassin’s name is also redacted. And despite being called a hero, Mike just wants to keep doing his job.

Janice Kanter

Janice Kanter graduated the Security Forces academy with top scores in marksmanship. She was top of the class in her academics and was the second highest in physical fitness. Her training instructor said, “If she can’t outsmart you, she can chase you down, but whatever you do, don’t make her use deadly force. You won’t survive.”

After a patrol career of little note, she applied for Protective Services school, which her chain of command thought was beneath her. Unlike her successful academy career, she barely passed PS training. Much to her dismay, she was given a space assignment and send to the E.S.S. Australia.

Series Summary

Note: While this summary does its best to avoid spoilers, be aware that some minor spoilers are below.

The three part space opera with military themes focuses on three main characters as they find themselves in the center of a rapidly changing universe. But the universe is not the only thing with things left to discover, as they each learn important things about who they really are and what they are capable of. Each of them are tested to a degree they never expected.

The people of Earth have enjoyed centuries of peace under one global government.  They’ve made great strides in space travel and planet colonization.  The colonies on Mars wanted independence and Earth granted it without a fight to preserve the peace. But is peace among humans ever really possible? Especially with such a large military on both sides?

Earth Navy Captain Christina Serenity is used to fighting, but not military conflicts. Instead she has had to claw and battle for everything that she has earned. As the youngest Captain in Navy history, she is regularly treated with a lack of respect that others in her rank would be provided. But she knows she has the skills needed to be in the position she holds.

When she is brutally attacked by a traitor, her life is saved by Security Forces Corporal Michael Carlson. She rushes her recovery to avoid any speculation that she is unfit for command and returns to duty faster than anyone expected. As speeding recovery does not just impact her physical injuries, as she begins to recognize the psychological effects of her decisions.

Dissolution of Peace takes place on the heels of her recovery. Her ship is attacked by terrorists, and she is thrown into a difficult assignment.  She must chase after the only clue they have, a Martian ship called the Phobos, and find out what secrets it hides.  To make matters worse, someone still wants her dead.

Her ship, E.S.S. Australia embarks on a mission that leads Serenity on journey of discovery, friendship, betrayal, and revenge.  She quickly learns the only thing harder to prevent than war, is love.

Now Serenity must trust her protection crew to keep her alive long enough to solve this puzzle while trying to prevent an interplanetary war.

Illusion of Victory takes place a few years after the end of Dissolution of Peace, when everyone believes that Serenity, and her three closest friends, are dead. When she resurfaces of Earth, she is back from the dead in a manner of speaking. The traitor that launched attacks on Earth was the only person to know she survived. That was because he was her constant target for revenge. But now, the four survivors have grown tired of seeking revenge and have returned home to face the consequences of their choices.

Meanwhile the Zercowans are losing interest in fighting Earth’s war and need support for enemies of their own. It is time for them to see the benefits of an alliance with Earth against the threats that face their people. While out supporting their operations, Serenity is placed in a situation to make an impossible decision. She now questions who the enemy is. She spends every day wondering if she chose correctly. The weight of war becoming too strong for her to handle.

Can Serenity maintain the illusion of strength long enough to gain the victories Earth desperately needs? Or have the pressures of war and revenge already destroyed her?

Immediately following the events of Illusion of Victory, Revelation of Secrets begins.

Discovering the secrets of powerful people is dangerous. With her best protection team split up, a powerful leader keeping her suppressed, and the pressures of a continuous conflict, Captain Christina Serentiy is worn down to a dull shell of her former hero status. Despite all this, she still cannot help but feel compelled to continue to dig into the secrets of the Houjong.

Hiding from your pain does not heal you. Janice Kanter returned to patrol to escape the end of a relationship. But when her trainee is killed, everything comes back to the surface. Now the regrets she keeps secret must be addressed, and the results leave her more conflicted. When she is used as bait to attack Serenity, she must face her fears to get on the path she was destined for.

The war cost a lot of resources, lives, and money. The military needs cutbacks and Protective Services is no exception. Michael Carlson will do anything to protect his wife, including trying to train for a new assignment in a matter of weeks. But even these skills might not be enough to save those he cares about when secrets are revealed.

The trilogy comes to a head when everything out three characters love is put on the line. The decisions they make will determine who lives and who dies.

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